Nou Artiste
april 7 [2024]
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an innovative series giving the community an opportunity to tap into their innate creative talents - an opportunity for exploration + play.
Lead by Cassandra Grae
Cassandra is an artist and educator currently residing in Crown Heights. She was born in Tucson, Arizona and earned her BFA in Art Education from Arizona State University. She is proud to be in her 10th year living in New York and in her 7th year teaching public middle school art to seventh and eighth grade students. When she's not teaching, grading, taking dance classes, or cooking, Cassandra tries to fit in her own artistic practice. She fluctuates between a variety of mediums and subjects, but always returns to figure drawing and painting, for how it captures the body in motion. She is excited to offer this still life drawing class and wants to engage participants in a more intricate way of seeing.